We’re gaun far’s the Lily Loch
This lee-lang day in June
We’ll speel the braes abune Shotts-Burn
An’ sit on Cant Hills croon
Round Kirk-O’-Shotts we’ll dauner slow
An’ muse on bygane days
When Glegly Grossart rambled
oot ower the glens an’ braes
Syne we’ll ca’ at Myres an’ Wastfield
Muirhoose an’ Birniehill
While up by at auld Fortissat
The view oor een will fill
We’ll see Roughdyke an’ Jersey
Green-Hill an’ Fernieshaw
An’ Hillhooserig an’ Penty
While mid-day sunbeams fa’
We’ll strap alang by Hills-O’ Hirst
The ‘Rigs an’ Highmuirheid
We’ll kindly keek at Wellesley
As yont road we speed
We’ll see the Hill an’ Blairmakhole
Knoweheid an’ Quarryneuk
An’ think o’ ither places syne
While forward we maun look
South Blair an’ Blairmains near the loch
We’ll scan while toddlin’ on-
Dewshill, Bentfit an’ Papperthills
Upraised as on a Throne
We’ll westward by Duntilland gang
An’ whiles we’ll fondly see
Some Faint an’ fadin’ traces
O’ Hamestead, Bush an’ tree
By Lane Mountcow an’ Braco Glen
oor feet will hameword turn
Doon past Loch-Hill and Annies-Hill
ower Tipper-Davy Burn
There may be brawer places ‘tweel
than thae wild rugger hills
But aye some glamour lingers
Roond sic moors an’ mossy rills
There’s calm the toon can never ken
there’s halesome caller air
There are whisp’rings in the silence
That I hear nae ither where
Far, far awa’ there’s mony a ane
Wha weel would like to stray
‘Mang kindly friends on Hills O’ Shotts
The Green, the Grim, the Grey
May peace an’ joy be in the hearts
O’ friends ayont the sea
Baith here an’ there may a’ leal folk
In harmony agree
Should ye care for soothin’quateness
Awa’ frae car or gig,
Come ye wi’ me, if ye’re willin’
The road by Jersay Brig.
Far oot on a peacefu’ muirlan’
Broon, and rocky, and big,
There’s a hantle sykes and burnies
And a’e wee auld-time brig.
Langsyne aroon’ this high muirlan’
Mony a weel-plooghed rig,
And mony a lowly homestead
Was seen near Jersay Brig.
Aft atweel in years depairted
The feck o’ folk would dig,
A stack o’ peats for the winter
Frae muirs around the brig.
A’e day when the wind was reezie
An auld man lost his wig,
An his hat forby, in crossing’
The open muirlan’ brig.
It is telt that steerin’ ladies
Wha caired na e’en a’ a fig,
In sicht o’ the Kirk folk dookit
In burnie near the brig.
Braw lads and lassies at nicht fa’
Unco fond o’ a jig,
Merrily danced on the green swaird
Abune the auld stane brig.
Syne quately when drooped the gloamin’
A’e lassie, weel-faured, trig,
Crackit lang time wi’ her laddie
In bield o’ Jersay Brig.

Owre the waistlin’ rim o’ the Parish o’ Shotts
Doon the braes frae the Linnrigs twa,
There’s a deep, steep Glen weel clad wi’ trees
Airts onward near Chapelha’,
And weel I wat ilka time I see ‘t
To me it’s by-ordinar’ braw.
In days lang gane an auld Meal Mill
Hummed blithe at heid o’ the Glen,
And the water that made the wheels gang roond
Cam’ frae hills o’ Shotts ye ken,
O, a bonnie place and a cheery place
Was the Glen o’ the Fairies then.
The Shotts burn wimples frae yont the Kirk
Up by on the bare braeside,
Then sings its sang roon mony a turn
‘Tween Peatpots and Langside,
To me atweel it’s a loe’some burn
Tho’ it isna deep or wide.
Noo, there’s roofless wa’s and a Silent Mill
Whaur the Fairy Glen begins,
Nae mill wheen’s splash, nor happers click
I’ the lade nae water rins,
And lanesome like the burn slips by
In its track frae the muirlan’ linns.
The Kirk roof, we have found o’ late,
Is badly in the need o’ slate;
Nae shame tae roof, the puir, auld fella,
But soon we’ll need oor umbarella!
Through rain, hail, snaw, up on the hill,
The Kirk may staun’ a long time still,
But, if we dinna act the noo,
We’ll sit there in a soggy pew!
Some men went up tae check the slate,
And cam doon wi’ an estimate;
Haunded it ower, wi’ dooncast een,
And then we made an awfu’ scene!
Thirty thou! – the figure quotit,
Needless to say, we hivna got it!
But, though the sum sounds much too dear,
It could be paid – ower a year …..
Three hunder member we do hiv,
And now must ask then all to give
Twa pund a week; it’s no’ too much,
If we cut doon on cigs. and such!
Whit’s this? The Kirk takin’ on tick?
“It’s frae the deil!” “We’ll no hae it!”
But “slate” is now the world’s way,
If what we want, we canna pay.
So dig in deep, yir haun’ tae pockit,
Or when in Kirk, ye may get soakit!
I know this is a lot tae ask,
The fundin’ o’ this awesome task;
But think, you people shy to pay,
You may yet want the Kirk some day.
-David J. Nelson (Sept. 1997)
Thoughts on Kirk O Shotts
The cauld March wind blaws frae the East
The blast comes o'er Shotts mair
and we seldom gie a passing thocht
To our forbears lying there
Nae cairn is there to mairk the spot
of folk we proudly own
Nae sculptured marble has been their lot
Nor yet an inscribed stone
But we who bear that ancient name
And maintain it with great honour
Commit ourselves its right to fame
Our glorious name of Connor
Ephraim Connor [1891-1980]
Theres a fool moon over Salsburgh
‘ Tis the time that I do dread
For werewolves’ prowl , vampires fly
Then comes the walking dead
They wait in dark filled places
For innocents to come their way
Then with tooth and claw and bloodied axe
Another one do slay
So close all curtains , Lock all doors
Hold the crucifix for all to see
There’s a Fool moon over Salsburgh
And the lunatics are free …
John Bergin
Dae ye mind the auld Kirk O’ Shotts
Wi’ Hartwood Towers nearby
The Auld Bog Road you’ve often trod
A thirst to satisfy
There’s Woodypoint and Murdostoun
I’m sure you’ve coorted there
There’s Kingshill Bings that can be seen
For mony a mile and mair
There’s Dura Kirk and Fanny’s Burn
The Heidless Cross an a’
A few place names you’ll aye recall
When you’re sae far awa
Nae doot you’ll mind o’ mony things
And a’ the folks at hame
But mind that we a’ mind o’ you
And wish you back again.
Weel oot frae a’ the city’s thrang, this langest day in June
Aroon’ Knowenoble’s woods and braes, the scene seems a’ in tune.
A langsome upward journey noo, we glegly here begin
Ere nichtfa’ mony a mile we’ll gang by hill and loch and linn.
Gaun on by Swinstie, Spindleside, we’ll see auld Windyedge,
Broonhill and braw Knowenoblehill, adorned wi’ tree and hedge.
On far’er north, past twa Linriggs, and Fairybank ane sees,
Gartness, Bowhouse, Dunsyston’s twa, twa Bothwellshields, Tardees.
Millfarm, Craigen’ and Gimmerscroft, Coo-brae and Moffats twa,
Syne frae Stepends and Annieshill we clim’ by Berryswa’.
The Lily Loch and Caldercruix, East Braco and Hillen,
A’ eastward lie, but weel I wat, auld time flees on, ye ken.
Gaun past Lochhill and auld Banken’, Drumbowie’s next I trow
East frae Roughrigg big loch we see Duntilland and Mountcow.
Blackrig, Langside, Langacre, we’ll keek at while we speed,
Peatpots, Muirha’ and Goodoakhill, Shotts Myers, The Glebe, Craighead.
By Blackhill, Auchinlea, Greenhill, richt up the braes we’ll spin
Scrieve on by Hareshaw, Fernieshaw and auld Backmuir look in.
The Hill O’ Murdostoun we’ll see amang its gaucy trees,
Then Easterhouse and Penty next, ‘mang woods and grassy leas.
While lookin’ owre by Hartwood Towers we’ll mind the auld Meal Mill
Beside Sooth Cather Water track that comes frae Benhar Hill.
On by Muirhoose and Birniehill, and Jersay blithe we stap,
Yet no’ forgettin’ Hillhooserig, weel sooth on yon knowe tap.
Owerby that airt is Ladylands, Dykeheid and fair Roseha’
Yont Catherheid is Rimmon Croft near peacefu’ Starryshaw.
Westfield, Roughdyke, Fortissat Mains – Fortissat up the brae
But noo on Cant Hill croon we rest, this bonnie simmer day.
When air is clear the sichts are gude, sae fair and far the view
Though here ane fain could linger lang, we on maun gang anew.
Shotts Kirk and Inn, and Shottsburn Farm, ‘mang upland scenes are here
A’e fond look roond we gi’e to a’ then eastward fainly steer.
Dewshill, Bentfit and Pappithills upraised as on a throne,
The Hirsts and Blairmains, near the Loch, we scan while shankin’ on.
Sooth Blair, twa Hassockriggs we see, The Baton and Broonhill,
Syne Welleslea and High Muirheid, whaur gowfers try their skill.
Ahint the hichts a bittie north, are Forrest, Forrestdyke,
And yon lang Loch, seen frae the train, whaur a’ may fish wha like.
Snod Reeziehill, The Toll and Baads, Bogen’ and Forrestburn,
Wi’ Blairmuckhole, Knoweheid, Treesbank and maun be seen in turn
Bankheid, auld Back O’ Moss, Paxstane, Balbaikie far’er on
Next Blairmuckhill, the Hill, the Mains syne Netherton and Loan.
Come noo, cheer up! We’re maistly hame, past Torrance at Northrig,
We turn oor face to hinmost place – Standhill beside Blackrigg.
Oor langsome ramble noo is owre, through Shotts high countryside,
And weel we ken that kindly folk in hamely bields abide.
Gude speed to a’ ye farmer folk! O’ health and best success.
May ilka ane ha’e gudely share, wi’ cares that lichtly press
John Black
The love of this land
It’s not in the mountains and glens, though beautiful they are for sure
Nor the myths and the songs of the past, they also have their allure
Nor even the causes for pride, the struggles we’ve had to endure
It’s the women of Scotland who move me and give me the love of this land
In forest and cave they gave birth, in hovel and tenement slum
They worked for their bairns to survive, they worked for the good times to come
And when all the soldiers marched by, they marched to a different drum
It’s the women of Scotland who move me and give me the love of this land
For when the land stealers came with their guns and their sheep and their fire
The women stood strong to resist, and screamed for the funeral pyre
They burned them right down to the sea, the victims of honour for hire
It’s the women of Scotland who move me and give me the love of this land
They took to the streets in rent strikes and Miner’s wives marched for their men
They marched to get Suffrage for women, and for safety to walk on their own
They marched at Coulport and Faslane, to say: ‘Nuclear War, never again’
It’s the women of Scotland who move me and give me the love of this land
From factory and office and mill when the long working week was done
From harbours where poor fisher lassies found their name used to put women down
They’d stream home to put on their glad rags and go out for a night on the town
It’s the women of Scotland who move me and give me the love of this land
There’s a body of knowledge and wisdom from mother to daughter passed on
Of how to get by on a little, what to do when your man’s drunk or gone
For where would be without mothers, and sisters and friends to lean on
It’s the women of Scotland who move me and give me the love of this land
This land’s been well served by its women though you wouldn’t ken that from a book
Nor from its places of power, where they get scarcely a look
But it’s time to start listening to women, their story we must understand
It’s the women of Scotland who move me and give me the love of this land
The women of our land down through the ages are the trueFlowers of Scotland. When will we see their like again?
Kathy Galloway.